kali ni.. sia mau share about my short journey in UMS... sedar nda sedar jap lae mau hbs udah thn nie.... :P berehat sejenak while looking my fwen editing... hati terdetik..dan melayang mengingat saat bersama mereka.... how sweet... 1st sma2 msuk kelas teori ..n plg best 1st yr..dulu msuk kelas praktikal which is dance class... masing2 ngan ragam sendiri... bout me?? ahahahaha mmg sia x pandai menari...sia ikut jak.... hari berganti hari..bulan berganti bulan.... sampailah masa nya pemilihan majoring masing2.... msuk sem 3 akhirnya rakan2 seperjuangan meneruskan pengajian dan hanya 12 dr 80 lebih yg ambik major tari... bermulalah coretan baru lam kisah suka dan duka km semua... ehehehehe... hanya gambar sebagai kenangan.... dan kini apakah kesudahannya... nda tau lae... km masih di tengah perjuangan..perjuangan dalam meneruskan pelayaran pengajian ini... tetapi untuk merehatkan minda seketika tatapan gambar mengukir senyuman....

"the rebben"

pic di sebelah nie... tym km menari utk exam sem 4... bg subjek tarian... it sweet.. n masing2 ada koreograf by sir christopher liew.... :P
tym nie..sblm performance... ahahaha mmg sakit2 la bdn menari semasa kelas berlangsung.. split sana split cini... lompat sna lompat cini.. but at last..semuanya adalh utk improvement body.... bukan sekadar..praktikal we also learn bout hw to manange "lighting" yg basic jak la... :)

antara..yg len lak.. byk g la.. km menari sma2.... bercampur n bergaul with this 11 person... i was so lucky.. every single of them hv a different character & different style... but the true is... they are so nice,kind,cute,funny and vouge ahahahaha... we have 4 male & 8 female.... apa yg dibuat sebulat suara... pergaduhan??? ahahaha wrong word to describe... not fight2 la... but percanggahan idea memang la bha ada... sedangkan lidah lg tergigit apa lagi km yg manusia biasa , semua berlaku km ambik yg jernih and masing2 mengajar di antara satu sama lain and with the memory km saling matang dalam bekerja antara satu sama lain... they all are so professional in solving problem...but the word... FRIENDSHIP... is very strong in our heart... we love each other....
my classmate yg tersayang...
1. pee @azli- ahahaha he is greatest buddy.... think out of the box...funny.... when im listening korean song akn igt dia ahahaha.... :)

2. juan- penyabar,penyayang,caring,pendiam but when u getting closer u will know how much he care bout u...penuh dengan senyuman...:)

3. jaejay.jc- berketrampilan, stail-list, agak pendiam tp when u getting know him ahahahaha owg nya melucukan, suka merancang, and good listener... great buddy...

4. decy .m- ahahahaa nice dude... owg nya rock n lasak...but dalaman sangat wanita... caring n good listener.. full of smile.... talented on singing...plg minat when she song "anggapanmu by ziana zain...fuhhh mantap .... :)

5. eja.- berkurapak brunei jak km..ahahaha we are same y.o... lasak n ceria owgnya.... comel n nma panggilan pun "kicikk " ehehehee :P

6. rachel- lembut,ayu tp klu dh knal nakal owgnya,pendiam n penyabar... klu split jgn dilawan..plg manang ahahaha.... :)

"12 of us"
7. dayang- "kuch2 ta hei" ahahaha ingat bollywood ingt dyg... dia owg nya jujur,dia suka ama kanank2 ,suka ketawa,n selalu km sakat sbb dia melatah tp dia sgt penyayang,mudah mengalirkan air mata n she is good buddy,good listener...:)

8. cindy- ahahahaha he is cute friend, smile owez & caring... jujur owgnya... suka menyakat kawan2... ingat lagu syg kinabalu igt la sia dia... :)

9. wanda- ahahahahahahahhaha mcm juan..gak pendiam ,penyabar,think out of the box, owg nya amat disenangi,cute,tp when u getting closer owgnya nakal gak...n jgn silap wakil skul main bola sepak wanita walaupun ayu tp tetap lasak.. :)

10. aien- gadis melayu terakhir...ahahahhaa pendiam,penyabar,penyayang and ceria selalu, good listener gak...and great buddy  :)

11. susan- we use to call she mumy.... cute , ceria n senang bergaul owgnya.... good listener too, :)

i stop here 1st... next tym sia share g... apa2 pun sia syg semua dorang nie.... :)


URMM.... they are diffrent and thing change so and greeting new fwen... it awesome man... ahahaha sgt best..jumpa kwn baru and environment yg berbeza... see?? sya mmg ditakdirkan utk mengembara lam hidup ahahaha.... nw that taught me a lot lo live... if other live and eppy with family n so on..but me..what did i know is... sa byk belajar dr kwn2... thank buddy... yg byk ajar sa ttg kehidupan... these a some piece of picture..that i can share with u all... they are so nice with different background but we a in da same motif..come to UMS... study and reach the goal.... success... :)
calssmate tym master skill

this is my greatest buddy... afam from johor, ron llyod from kuching and azli from kinabatangan.. every single of them got different personality and character... but they taught me a lot too about friendship... the moment we spend ahahahhaa... too sweet.... cheers buddy.... :) ron- positive thinking, like to read knowledge english byk improve gak dr dia... dia x seperti yg len..dia kwn yg sgt memahami when im wrong he correct my pronounce and spelling... and when im so down he give me adviced ngan petikan yg sgt indah... thank buddy... azli funny buddy,ceria, aktif and think out of the box...ada jak idea yg bermanfaat..ahahahaha...talented on singing same as ron...dorang dua ni klu dh campur...ahahaha menyanyi...ahahaha sa rsa nda payah g p concert..:) afam lak.... seorang yg pendiam pada awal perjumpaan tp setelah lama2... na apa ko rasa..sgtttt nakal... ahahahahaha.... ada2 jak gelagat yg melucukan... klu pasal menarii... paling manangggg... ahahahaha :) the fact is... thank you lord gv me  change to learn frm them... :)


ellow... urmm... everyone got friend right? klu ditanya ttg sa... ya... i hv grow much arround my fwen... byk latah nya..byk ragam nya.. macam2 ada... ^ ^...

sebelah nie..ialah bro. n sis church member it was taken on 2008 if i was not faith has grow much when im in this team... we work together,we help each other, tanpa mengira umur & bangsa... our motif is one.. serve the LORD... like jesus has said in
matthew 20:28
"even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom formany." 

klu di skul lak ... byk gak la kwn2.. tp nda semua sa rapat..sebab sa jenis eppy go lucky.. sa senang kwn ama sepa2 jak..yg penting ikhlas... if u meet me then u will know mcm mna owg nya... :)
me and meyii

ahahaha sebelah mary anne peter... kwn ngan sia dr 2002... when i was form 2... that tym bru jak blk dr kuching... she taught me a lot.. the memory we spend... ahahaha terlalu sweet... until now dia abis dh study in art(music degree) 

me & luniz

apai umag,cipei,apai dom                                                                                                                       yg kanan ni lak.. luniz... ahahaha sa suka menyakat dia.... it was taken 2008..:) hw bout him? ahahahha lol ... lucu, caring and sahabat yang setia....  yang atas sebelah kiri lak... qubong crew...msa ni dorang bru jak abis "battle of the band" sa tukang ambik video jak.. ekekekkee.... dorang ni pun sma... byk ajar sa ttg kehidupan pergaulan seharian..walaupun berbeza agama & bangsa.... but they are so nice... especially nick... he taught me lot too.... thank nick n other... :)

men bol kekeke
sebelah ni lak.. tym men bol di geja..ahahahaha..walaupun kaki bangku..antam jak ikut jak main yg penting eppy n the meaning fwenshp we share... ^ ^

ibie and emok

sebelah ni emok n ibie..both of them a funny... they owez make me smile... n gv me adviced whem im lost and down... thank god for give me understanding fwen... :)